

Now compatible with Cognex VisionPro

Laser scanners for 2D/3D profile measurements

Laser scanners from Micro-Epsilon are among the highest performing profile sensors in the world with respect to accuracy and measuring rate. They detect, measure and evaluate profiles on different object surfaces without contact. The available models with different measuring ranges are ideally suitable for industrial applications. Models for the customer’s own evaluation programming are available for integrators. With integrated intelligence, the scanCONTROL SMART scanners solve numerous measurement tasks. The scanCONTROL models require no external controller, which significantly simplifies the installation effort.



  1. Compact size and integrated evaluation: no external controller required
  2. High profile resolution for the detection of finest details
  3. High profile rate for dynamic measurement tasks
  4. Powerful software for parameterization and visualization
  5. SDKs for integration in individual software environments
  6. Proven high operational safety in the 24/7 operation over many years
  7. Compatible with Cognex VisionPro
  8. Fastest SMART evaluation directly in the sensor: up to 10 kHz
  9. Optimal connection to PLC due to UDP bundling without loss of information
MICRO-EPSILON India Private Limited
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One SMART scanner for all parameters

scanCONTROL laser scanners solve various measurement tasks: profile, width, height, depth, edge, bead, gap, angle, roundness and many more. With the Configuration Tools software, more than 40 measurement programs with a total of more than 90 evaluations are available. The programs are transferred to the SMART sensor, which performs the measurement, evaluation and output in standalone mode.

Intelligent SMART scanner: large range of features for numerous measurement tasks


SMART laser scanner with increased performance

The performance of the scanCONTROL 300x models has been increased again through targeted optimization: improved algorithms and components increase data acquisition and output to up to 10 million measurement points per second. Profile calculation and evaluation speed for smart sensors is increased by up to 60%, allowing profile evaluations to be performed quickly and reliably. UDP bundling allows for the data transfer to be performed also at a slow PLC without loss of information.

Numerous models for a wide range of applications

Configure your laser profile scanner: Go to model selection

Profile scanners with red laser and patented Bue Laser scanners

Laser scanners from Micro-Epsilon are available with a red laser diode or with the patented Blue Laser Technology. Laser scanners with blue laser line are preferably used for profile measurements on red-hot glowing metals, as well as transparent and organic surfaces. While allowing significantly higher stability, the blue-violet laser beam does not penetrate the measuring object.

Measurement tasks involving blue laser scanners measuring on red-hot glowing measurement objects exceeding 700 °C and transparent objects such as glass and plastics are protected by patent law. The scanCONTROL laser scanners achieve excellent signal stability and thus precise measurement results on these surfaces.

Compact profile sensors

The compact design combined with low weight opens up new fields of application in profile measurement. Since the controller is integrated in the housing of the scanCONTROL profile sensors, the cabling effort is reduced, which facilitates mechanical integration. Thanks to their compact design and high profile frequency, the laser profile sensors are suitable for dynamic measurement tasks, e.g. in production monitoring or for assembly processes on robots.

© Fraunhofer ILT image material: Automation of hybrid additive manufacturing with machine-integrated laser profile sensors as part of the BMBF-funded ProLMD project.

Flexible integration with two different classes

For raw profile transmission With integrated profile calculation and evaluation


Various possibilities for data transmission

The sensors can be easily integrated into an existing customer software either via the available SDKs or the GigE Vision Standard which all scanCONTROL sensors meet (integration into image processing software). The sensors of the scanCONTROL SMART classes can directly transfer the measured values to the control systems using the following interfaces: Ethernet (UDP or Modbus TCP) RS422 (ASCII or Modbus RTU) Analog, digital switching signals (with scanCONTROL Output Unit) Profinet, Ethernet/IP, EtherCAT (with scanCONTROL Gateway)
