
IF2035 for Industrial Ethernet

IF2035 interface module for Industrial Ethernet connection

The IF2035 interface modules are designed for easy connection of Micro-Epsilon sensors to Industrial Ethernet controllers, e.g., plant control systems. The PROFINET and EthernetIP modules are compatible with sensors that output data via an RS422 or RS485 interface. These modules operate on the sensor side with up to 4 MBaud and have two network connections for different network topologies. Installation in switching cabinets is via a DIN rail.

The interface modules are compatible with multiple sensors:

  • optoNCDT 1220, optoNCDT 1320, optoNCDT1420, optoNCDT 1900, optoNCDT 2300
  • confocalDT 242x, confocalDT 246x
  • optoCONTROL 2520
  • colorCONTROL ACS7000, colorCONTROL MFA-x
  • inertialSENSOR ACC5703, inertialSENSOR INC5701
  • capaNCDT 6120
  • induSENSOR MSC7xxx, induSENSOR DTD
  • interferoMETER IMS5400-DS, interferoMETER IMS5400-TH, interferoMETER IMS5600-DS
  • optoNCDT ILR2250


  1. Ideal for confined spaces due to a compact housing
  2. Compatible with sensors with RS422 and RS485 interfaces
  3. Two network connections for different network topologies
  4. Data rate up to 4 MBaud
  5. 4-fold oversampling (with EtherCAT)
MICRO-EPSILON India Private Limited
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