IF2008/PCIE - Interface card
The IF2008/PCI interface card is designed for installation in PCs and enables the synchronous capture of digital sensor signals and encoders. The IF2008/PCIE interface card is developed for installation in PCs with PCI Express slots. Absolutely synchronous data acquisition plays an important role particularly for planarity or thickness measurement tasks. The interface card enables the synchronous capture of four digital sensor signals and two encoders. The data are stored in a FIFO memory in order to enable resource-saving processing in the PC in blocks.
Additionally, the IF2008E expansion board offers two sensor inputs, two ADC inputs, four optocoupler input and four optocoupler outputs. In sum, six digital sensors, two analogue sensors and two encoders can be connected using both cards.
- 4x digital signals and 2x encoders with basic board
- 6x digital signals, 2x encoders, 2x analog signals and 8x I/O signals together with the expansion board
- FIFO data memory
- PCI plug-in cards
- Synchronous data acquisition
- IF2008PCIe with PCI Express interface